At, we believe that true success isn’t merely about external achievements, but about mastering the internal journey of self-discipline, awareness, and liberation from the ego. Spiritual success, like scientific progress, requires dedication, understanding, and precise execution. In this article, we explore the key laws of spiritual success, drawing analogies from both science and spirituality, particularly through the lens of Yoga.

The Analogy of ‘Moksha/Nirvana’
Imagine a rocket being launched into space. To escape the Earth’s gravitational pull, the rocket must reach a speed of about 25,000 miles per hour. This speed represents a critical threshold that allows it to break free and continue its journey through space, unhindered by Earth’s gravity. In scientific terms its called escape velocity. Same things happens in the spiritual growths as well. we humans needs proper basic energy to achieve the liberations. Lets name it as “resultant intensity“.
Just as a rocket needs a certain speed to break free, a person on the spiritual path must generate sufficient inner intensity to break free from the gravitational pull of life. This gravitational pull represents the inertia of our daily existence, driven by desires, pleasures, and routine. Without the necessary intensity, we remain bound to the cycle of life, unable to transcend the repetitive nature of our existence.
In Yoga, this intensity is cultivated through practices like meditation, concentration, and breathing techniques. These practices serve as the “fuel” that propels us toward spiritual liberation, helping us break free from the gravitational pull of worldly distractions.
The Glamour of Liberation: Avoiding the Trap of Ego
Once a person reaches a certain level of spiritual progress, they may encounter what we call the “glamorous stage.” This is the point where they feel free from the bondage of life, yet they are still not fully liberated. They might begin to develop psychic powers (known as Siddhis), which are often seen as signs of spiritual success. However, these powers can be deceptive. While they may seem like a form of liberation, they are merely distractions that keep a person bound to a lower level of consciousness.
In this phase, individuals may feel they have reached their destination and even start a following, teaching others about their perceived enlightenment. But in reality, they have merely exchanged one form of bondage for another. The goal of spiritual practice is not to accumulate powers or to bask in external signs of success, but to transcend the ego and reach the ultimate state of self-realization.
Moving Beyond the Illusion of Siddhis
It is crucial to understand that the attainment of Siddhis, or lesser spiritual powers, is not the final goal. These powers are part of the journey, not the destination. They are like stations along the way — important for development but not the end result. To remain focused on these powers is to get stuck in a luxurious prison, where one’s progress is limited by attachment to temporary achievements.
The true purpose of life and spiritual practice is not to become enamored with these intermediate states but to continue the journey toward the highest form of self-awareness, where one can transcend the ego entirely and realize the oneness with the universe.
The Importance of Proper Preparation: The Role of the 7th Centre
In Yoga, we often speak of different energy centers or “chakras” in the body. The 6th center, which is associated with the higher mind, is responsible for guiding the individual toward spiritual progress. However, it is the 7th center — the “senior Managing Director” — that plays a more important role in helping the individual navigate the higher stages of spiritual development.
At certain stages, individuals may believe they have reached their destination, only to realize that they are still not fully prepared for the ultimate freedom. This is where the 7th center comes into play. It provides the necessary depth of understanding and knowledge to guide the individual past the superficial stages of power and ego, leading them to true liberation.
The Critical Stage: Preparing for True Freedom
Before a person can truly break free from the gravitational pull of life, they must pass through what we call the “Critical-Certain Stage.” At this point, they have gathered enough intensity to transcend worldly attachments. However, without proper guidance and knowledge, they may still be unprepared for the final leap. They could burn out, lose their way, or become trapped in a state of confusion.
Yoga practices like Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation) are essential during this stage. They help refine the mind, providing clarity and focus so that the individual can navigate the path of liberation with wisdom and precision. It is only through these practices that one can safely break free from the gravitational pull of life and reach their true destination — self-realization.
The Final Destination: Realizing Oneness with the Supreme
The ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to realize the oneness with the Supreme Creator. This realization transcends the limitations of the ego and leads to a state of pure consciousness, where there is no distinction between the individual and the universe. In Buddhism its called Nirvana. In Hindu philosophy its called Moksha or Liberation.
The journey toward this ultimate freedom requires consistent effort, discipline, and the right practices. It is not enough to simply experience temporary states of bliss or power. True success in the spiritual journey is found when one transcends all illusions, including the glamour of Siddhis, and reaches the highest state of awareness.